This is an experiment in which you will be asked to answer brief questions
about phrases. It should take around 7 minutes to complete, and you will receive $1.17 for your time.
This experiment is part of a series of studies being conducted by a member of the Cognitive
Science department at the Johns Hopkins University, and has been approved by the University's
Institutional Review Board. Please click here to review the informed consent information for
participants in this study; this document contains the Johns Hopkins IRB's seal of approval.
Checking "I agree to participate" below indicates that:
In this study, you will rate phrases on how symmetrical they are in meaning. The phrases will appear one at a time, in the box below.
If a word or phrase is symmetrical it means that the meaning is "mutual". For example, 'cousin' is symmetrical because if someone is your cousin, you are also their cousin.
In contrast, 'father' is not symmetrical: If you are someone's father, they cannot be your father.
Another example of a phrase that is symmetrical is 'next to'. 'Next to' is symmetrical because if someone is next to you, you are also next to them.
In contrast, 'on top of' is not symmetrical: If you are on top of something, it cannot be on top of you.
Over the course of this survey, you will be rating different kinds of phrases. A few will be nouns like 'cousin' or 'father'. Some may be prepositions like 'next to' or 'on top of'. Others will be verbs like 'to slap' or 'to think'.
For all of these, you'll just be judging how symmetrical they are: the degree to which the meaning of the phrase is in some way "mutual".
There is no correct or incorrect answer. Go with your gut!
The whole study will only take about 7 minutes; please stay focused!
If you are ready, click "Start Experiment".
(Note: When the experiment is done, you will be redirected back to SYSTEM's webpage where you will be given a completion code.)
Done! Once you answer a couple of quick questions on this page and the next page, you will be brought to the submission page. (Please be honest! You will be allowed to submit the study regardless of your responses.)
1. Are you a native speaker of English? In other words:
2. Are you a native speaker of any other language besides English? In other words:
3. What language do you currently use most?:
1. How did you decide whether a phrase was symmetrical or not?
Also, feel free to leave any comments below about how the experiment went. Did everything seem to work okay?